Week 16 Mindful Eating

On , In Integrated Living, Go Within

integrated living https://vimeo.com/307533939 week #16 Mindful eating HOW TO BEGIN A MINDFUL EATING PRACTICE “The path to a healthy body, and happy soul is based upon self-study, mindfulness, love and awareness. Understanding our relationship to eating cultivates a lot of insights and help us start living our highest potential.” – Nataša Nuit Pantović message How often……

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Week 15 Overcome Challenges

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

integrated living https://vimeo.com/307090775 week #15 OVERCOME CHALLENGES HOW TO EFFECTIVELY OVERCOME CHALLENGES IN YOUR LIFE “Out Of Darkness Shines Light” message It’s great to still have you with us! Making a lifestyle change such as this one is definitely not easy. This journey of improving your health and elevating the quality of your life will……

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Week 14 The Protein Myth

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

integrated living https://vimeo.com/304900060 week #14 THE PROTEIN MYTH DO YOU GET ENOUGH PROTEIN ON A PLANT-BASED DIET? “Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.” – Michael Pollan message Protein is important for good health.Without enough protein your body will start to break down muscle, you will gain weight, your hair will start to thin or even fall……

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Week 13 Weight Loss

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

integrated living https://vimeo.com/303819718 week #13 WEIGHT LOSS 5 ADVANCED STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” – Confucius message In this week’s coaching message we are going to share with you 5 advanced strategies that will help you lose weight and……

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Week 12 Take Responsibility

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

integrated living https://vimeo.com/303817013 week #12 Take responsibility ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE “The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life.” – Brian Tracy message Today we want to talk about personal responsibility and……

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Week 11 Self-Talk

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

integrated living https://vimeo.com/302359826 week #11 SELF-TALK HOW TO MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU “Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” – Brené Brown message If you’ve been part of our coaching for a while now you understand that being healthy is not only determined by what you eat and how much you exercise……

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Week 10 Heal Yourself

On , In Integrated Living, Go Within

integrated living https://vimeo.com/302357779 week #10 HEAL YOURSELF “It is better for you to take responsibility for your life as it is, instead of blaming others, or circumstances, for your predicament. As your eyes open, you’ll see that your state of health, happiness, and every circumstance of your life has been, in large part, arranged by……

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Interval Training #4 – 15 Minute Fat Burn

On , In Integrated Living, Go Within

Welcome Friends,  Today we have for you another challenging Interval Training workout. It include 4 different exercises, one of them being burpees. Before you roll your eye up, please hear me out… Burpees – If you have been following our workouts for a while now, there is a good chance you have performed burpees. As far……

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Daily Flow #3 – Grace

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

Welcome Friends to your Daily Flow #3 – Grace.  After years of “punishing” my body with hardcore fitness, I am starting to really appreciate the simple stuff. It’s amazing how challenging even a basic exercise can feel once we pay close attention to all the little details.  It’s bananas how sloppy my movements were before –……

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Daily Flow #2 – Energy Boost

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

Feeling sluggish? This 25 minute, dynamic flow workout is designed to awaken your body and help increase your focus and mental clarity . Daily flow #2 will leave you feeling re-energized and ready to take on the rest of your day. Great to do first thing in the morning, or during a mid-afternoon lag – anytime you……

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Daily Flow #1 – 30 Minutes

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

I am really excited to introduce The Daily Flow series to our Fitness Schedule. This workout series incorporates all that we believe fitness should deliver –  strength, function, mobility, cardio, coordination, breath and balance of mindset. Moving our body is a must. Nikki and I stress this each and every week. But it’s important to understand……

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Strength Workout #7 – 50 Rep Challenge

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

In this workout, I wanted to encourage you to challenge yourself. I included some higher rep ranges not only because repetition helps us learn proper form, or improve our endurance, it really proves to ourself that we are capable of more than we often think. Majority of us automatically set limitations for ourself, right from……

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Strength Workout #6 – Tighten Up Your Core

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

This is a short workout that incorporates the whole body – but focusing mostly on strengthening your core. I include exercises like push-ups and bridges that require the core for stabilization. All the exercises can be modified whether you are a beginner or advance to ensure you get a good workout.  Fitness Level: Beginners, All……

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Strength Workout #5 – Upper Body + Core

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

Fitness Level: Beginners to Advance Focus: Strengthen our upper body and core Equipment:  Yoga Mat/Towel (or band)  Length: 28:23 Warm-Up 2 rounds of: Towel Rows x 15 Reverse Plank (bridging) x 8 Pike Press x 10 Towel Eagle Sit Up + Toe Touch x 8 — **Hold superman – 30 sec before moving onto Part 2 2 rounds of:……

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Yoga Nidra – The Yogic Power Nap

On , In Go Within, Integrated Living

Stop for a moment and ask yourself – am I stressed? Does stress really affect my health? If you said “no”, think again. Studies show that stress is a factor in five out of the six leading causes of death — heart disease, cancer, stroke, lower respiratory disease, and accidents. An estimated 75 percent to……

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